Shadow Work? Ky, wtf you talking about now?

Shadow Work: Working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself.

Everyone wears a mask at some point in their lives, but the truth is that you are still living your truth, even when you're hiding behind a facade. If that truth happens to be that you're a liar, you're only doing a disservice to yourself by not being honest. You are the only one who can truly represent yourself, so why not do it honestly? Take off your mask and look beneath it. You might be surprised to discover all your beautiful characteristics that you've demonized or allowed others to taint. Don't wait any longer. Be truthful and authentic, starting today.

    1. What is something that other people do that annoys you? How does this reflect a part of yourself?

    2. What is an embarrassing memory you have? What was it embarrassing?

    3. What is something that sparks a short fuse for you (Triggers you)? Why does this bother you so quickly and so much?

    4. What is a promise to yourself that you have broken or continue to break? Why?

    5. If you had everything you desired what would your life look like?

    6. Do you dislike anyone? How do you display some of these characteristics yourself?

    7. If you could write a letter to a person that hurt you, what would you say?

    8. In what ways do you feel guilty? Why?

    9. In what ways do you envy others? How can you start embodying those things that you envy?

    10. How do you show up for others but fall short in showing up for yourself?

Keila Danielle

Keila Danielle is a freelance artist with a passion for creating stunning visuals. With a background in photography and graphic design, she brings a unique perspective to every project. Her attention to detail and versatility make her a talented artist who can tackle any challenge. In her free time, she explores new art forms and techniques to continue honing her craft.

The Rebirth


Control Freak